Сучасні демографічні проблеми України: біженці, внутрішньо переміщені особи та нелегальна міграція


  • Олександр Лавер



Ключові слова:

біженці, вимушені переселенці, мігранти на Україні, динаміка чисельності населення України, міграційні процеси


У статті аналізуються питання динаміки чисельності біженців, вимушених переселенців та нелегальних мігрантів в Україні. Висвітлюються актуальні аспекти міграційних процесів та динаміки чисельності населення Української держави


Palamarchuk, I. Problema nelegalnoy immigraciyi v Ukraine [The problem of illegal immigration in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://svodka.net/sobitiya/obshchestvo-i-kultura/559154

Nelegalniyi migranti massovo prorivayutsya v Yevropu cherez Ukrainu (2012) [Illegal migrants massively break through to Europe through Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://svodka.net/sobitiya/obshchestvo-i-kultura/323955

Zhitelyam Zakarpat’ya biznes po perepravke nelegalov prinosit millioni (2012) [The business of smuggling illegal immigrants brings millions to residents of Transcarpathia]. Retrieved from //ua-reporter.com/novosti/115429

Malinovskaya, E. (2013) Vneshniye migraciyi naseleniya Ukraini perioda nezavisimosti [External migration of the population of Ukraine during the period of independence].

Chislo nelegalnih migrantov v Ukraine podhodit k kriticheskoy tochke (2013) [The number of illegal migrants in Ukraine approaches the critical point]. Retrieved from http://migraciya.com.ua/news/

Udovichenko, S. (2012) Migranti na vostochnoy granice Ukraini [Migrants on the eastern border of Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://immigration-stop.org.ua/ru/?p=779

Ukraina sbilas’ so scheta inostrancev (2012) [Ukraine has lost count of foreigners]. Retrieved from //glavkom.un/news/90359.html

Prava bizhenciv ta shukachiv pritulku [The rights of refugees and asylum seekers]. Retrieved from http: //helsinki.org.сурa/index.php?id=1245859904

Batachev, V. Vsya Pravda o borybe s nelegalnoy migraciyey v Ukraine [The truth about the fi ght against illegal migration in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://umpdl.info/index.php

V Ukraine nelegalno rabotayet kak minimum 200 tiscyach inostrancev (2012) [At least 200 thousand foreigners work illegally in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://zn.ua/SOCIETY/

Lemshenko, Ya. (2012) Inozemchi vse chasche vikoristovuyut’ zaproshennya na navchannya v Ukraini yak privid nelegalno potrapiti na Zahid [Foreigners are increasingly using the invitation to study in Ukraine as an occasion to get into the West illegally]. Retrieved from http://www.ukrinform.ua/ukr/news/

Nelegalniye migrant razbivayut edinstvo stran Yevrosoyuza (2012) [Illegal migrants are breaking the unity of EU countries]. Retrieved from http://www.goodvin.info/v-mire/

Ivzhenko, T. (2011) V Ukraine rastut ksenofobskiye nastroyeniya [Xenophobic sentiments are growing in Ukraine]. Nezavisimaya gazeta.

Bizhenci: ukrains’ki mifi ta realnist’ (2012) [Refugees: Ukrainian myths and reality]. Retrieved from http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1348733022

Za minulu dobu zakarpats’ki prikordonniki zatrimali 17 nelegaliv (2015) [For the past day, Transcarpathian border guards arrested 17 illegal migrants]. Retrieved from http://www.mukachevo.net/ua/

Status bizhencya v Ukraini za rik otrimali 63 lyudini (2013) [This year 63 people obtained refugee status in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://ua.for-ua.com/Ukraine/2013/02/06/125151.html

Na Ukraine 2435 bezhencev (2012) [There are 2435 refugees in Ukraine].

Varfolomeeva, A. (2013) Bezhenci v Ukraine ne idut rabotat’ po specialnosti [Refugees in Ukraine do not work in their usual fi elds of work]. Retrieved from http://www.epochtimes.com.ua/ru/Ukraine/society/

Bizhenciv v Ukraini vvazhayuy’ nelegalami, dayut’ 17 grn dopomogi (2011) [Refugees in Ukraine are considered illegals and given UAH 17]. Retrieved from http: //24tv.ua/home/showSingleNews.dо

Bizhenci v Ukraini. «Grant» na pochatok novogo zhitt uya u 17 grn (2013) [Refugees in Ukraine. «Grant» for the beginning of a new life at 17 hryvnia]. Retrieved from http://life.pravda.com/ua/society/2013/07/30/134987/

Iz Ukraini vidvorili boleye 13 tisyach nelegalov (2012) [More than 13 thousand illegals were expelled from Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://glavred.info/archive/2012/02/29/113934-2.html

tisyach baksov – i nelegal popadet is Zakarpatt ’ya v Slovakiyu, no ne vsegda (2012) [5 thousand bucks - and an illegal arrives from Transcarpathia to Slovakia, but not always]. Stariy Zamok.

Kovbitsya, S. (2012) Fakti ICTV – Bezhenci v Ukraine: boyatsya smerti na rodine i mechtayut o YeEs [ICTV Facts - Refugees in Ukraine: they are afraid of death at home and dream about the EU]. Retrieved from http://facty.ictv.ua/en/index/road-news/id/1445899/

Somaliyci-nelegali trebuyut izmenit’ zakon Ukraini (2012) [Somali illegals demand to change the law of Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://nbnews.com.ua/news/26849/

Somaliyci na Vilini buntuyut (2012) [The Somalis in Volhyn’ are rioting]. Retrieved from: htt p: //www.forexshot.com/index.php/instrument/energetica/1599

Kobzin, D. O. (2008) Ksenofobiya v konteksti polietnichnosti ukrains’kogo suslilstva. Rezulatati sociologichnogo doslidzhennya [Xenophobia in the context of the multiethnicity of Ukrainian society. Results of sociological research]. Retrieved from:htt p://khpg.org/index.phpid=1233953072

Bezhenci v Ukraine – pravovoy status (2013) [Refugees in Ukraine and their legal status]. Retrieved from http://vprave.com.ua/analitica/-cheloveka/41-pravovoj-status-bezhencev.html

Eksklyuzivnoye intervyu Cherezvichaynogo i Polnomochnogo posla Islamskoy Resoubliki Afganistan v Ukraine gospodina Mohammada Akbara dlya IA UMM [Exclusive interview of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Ukraine Mr. Mohammad Akbar Mohammadi for IA UMM]. Retrieved from http://www.afghanembassy.com.ua/uk/newspm/986- -qq.html

Iz Krimu ta Shodu Ukraini vteklo ponad 38 tisyach lyudeym – OON (2014) [38,000 people fl ed from Crimea and Eastern Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/06/20/7029647

Bilshe 50 tisyach ukrainciv vimusheno pokinuli svoyi domivki (2014) [More than 50 thousand Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes]. Retrieved from: http: //www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/06/27/7030333

Chislo bezhencev v Ukraine perevisilo 300 tisyach chelovek (2014) [The number of refugees in Ukraine has exceeded 300 thousand people]. Retrieved from http://ria-m.tv/news/15505/

Na Zakarpatt i vzhe prozhivayut’ bilshe 3 tisyach peremischenih osib (2014) [More that 3000 displaced people live in Transcarpathia]. Retrieved from http://karpatnews.in.ua/news/93182.htm

Z okupovanih Donbasu ta Krimu pereseleno ponad 829 tisyach ukrainciv (2015) [More than 829 thousand Ukranianites have been resett led from Crimea and Donbas]. Ukrains’ka Pravda.

Chislo bezhencev iz Krima is zoni ATO v Ukrainu dostiglo 900 tisyach chelovek (2015) [The number of refugees from the Crimea and the ATO zone in Ukraine reached 900 thousand people]. Retrieved from http://www.capital.ua/en/news/

V Ukraini ponad 1 milliyon pereselenciv – OON [More than 1 million resett lers in Ukraine - The UN ] //24 kanal. 14.02.2015.

Iz Krimu viyihali ponad 9 tisyach krimskih tatar [More than 9 thousand Crimean Tatars leaving Crimea] // Ukrayins'ka pravda. 22.12.2014. Retrieved from https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/12/22/7052899/

Lysenkov V. Ukraintsy massovo begut v Rossiyu [Ukrainians massively fl ee to Russia]. Retrieved from http: //podrobnosti.ua/2043369

Skolko inostrancev zhivet v Ukraine (2013) [How many foreigners live in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http: // Ukraine-and-world /

Ukraina prinyala 167 bezhencev [Ukraine has adopted 167 refugees]. Retrieved from http: //www.segodnya.ua

Sered bizhenciv v Ukraini bagato rosiyan i siriyciv (2017) [There are many Russians and Syrians among the refugees in Ukraine].Ukrains’ka Pravda.

Bolee 400 tisyach ukraincev poprosili zaschiti v Rosiyi; gde esche spasayutsa bezhenci s vostoka [More than 400,000 Ukrainians asked for protection in Russia; where do the refugees from the east escape]. 24 kanal.

Na teritoriyi Ukraini nahodyatsya okolo 800 tisyach viduzhdennih pereselencev (2016) [In Ukraine there are about 800 thousand internally displaced people]. Demoskop Weekly.

V Ukraini zareyestrovano ponad 15 mln pereselenciv (2017) [More than 15 million immigrants are registered in Ukraine]. Ukrains’ka Pravda.

V Belarusi poschitali kolichestvo bezhencev s Ukraini (2016) [Belarus counted the number of refugees from Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://en.espreso.tv/news/2016/

Lukashenko nazval kolichestvo bezhencev s Ukraini (2017) [Lukashenko listed the number of refugees from Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://correspondent.net/Ukraine/3810068

MZS RF zayavlyaye, scho v Rosiyi bil’she miliyoya bizhenciv z Donbasu (2017) [Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares that in Russia more than a million refugees from Donbas]. Ukrains’ka Pravda.

Boleye 400 tisyach Ukraincev poprosili zaschiti v Rosiyi: gde escho spasayutsya bezhenci s vostoka (2017) [More than 400,000 Ukrainians asked for protection in Russia: where refugees from the east flee]. 24 kanal.

Za pivroku pritulok u Nimecchini poprosili mayzhe 1500 ukrainciv (2016) [About 1500 Ukrainians have asked for asylum in Germany]. Ukrains’ka Pravda.

Dorosh, S., Zanuda, A. (2017) Aresti, pastprti, viyskovi: cifri aneksovanogo Krimu [Arrests, passports, military: figures of the annexed Crimea]. BBS.


