Влияние событий в Украине на украинско-казахстанское сотрудничество и мировой интеграционный процесс


  • Петро Токарь
  • Святослав Рубан



Ключові слова:

Политический кризис в Украине, Крым, ЛНР-ДНР, украинско-казахстанское сотрудничество, политический диалог


В статье дан анализ влияния событий, проходивших зимой 2013-2014 года и получивших название «Евромайдан», а также последующей аннексии Россией полуострова Крым и войны на востоке Украины на двусторонние отношения между Украиной и Республикой Казахстан и мировой интеграционный процесс в целом


U vistupi na samite V. Yanukovich zaznachiv: “… Uzhe syohodni mi potrebuyemo vid nashih yevropeyskih partneriv rishuchih krokiv nazustrich Ukraini v pitanni rozrobki I realizacii programi fi nancovo-ekonomichnoyi dopomohi z vikoristannyam usih nayavnih mehanizmiv ta resursiv yak institiciy, tak I derzhav-chleniv YeEs” – Oficiyniy sayt prezidenta Ukraini. [In his speech at the summit, Viktor Yanukovych said: “... Today, we require from our European partners strong steps towards Ukraine in the development and implementation of a program of financial and economic assistance using all existing mechanisms and resources of both the institutions and the EU member states” - Official site of the President of Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://www.president.gov.ua/news/29616.html

UNIAN (2013). V RF ne hotyat “prosto tak spasat’ Ukrainu” deshevim gazom i kreditom. [In Russia nobody wants to “just save Ukraine” with cheap gas and credit]. Redrieved from http://www.unian.net

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Novosti Posolstva (2014). Protiv silovih variantov v Ukraine vistupil MID Kazahstana [The Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of Kazakhstan spoke against using force in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://kazakhstan.mfa.gov.ua/ru/presscenter/news/18789-proti-silovih-variantiv-v-ukrajini-vistupiv-mzs-kazahstanu

Kazahstan pidtrimuye teritorialnu tsilisnist’ Ukraini [Kazakhstan supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://ukranews.com/news/117477.---.uk

Oficialniy sayt Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan. Brifing po itogam oficialnogo vizita v Korolevstva Niderlandi i uchastiya v rabote Sammita po yadernoy bezopasnosti v Gaage [Briefing on the results of the official visit to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and participation in the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague]. Retrieved from http://www.akorda.kz/ru/events/international_community/foreign_other_events/page_216254_brifi ng-po-itogam-uchastiya-v-rabote-sammita-po-yadernoi-bezopasnosti-v-gaage

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Because of the position of the RK on the Crimea, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry handed a note to Kazakhstan. Retrieved from http://forbes.kz/process/iz-za_pozitsii_rk_po_kryimu_mid_ukrainyi_vruchil_notu_kazahstanu/

Gelernte J. An Enticing Next Target For Putin Moscow is turning up the rhetoric on Kazakhstan, a non-NATO member with a valuable space center. Retrieved from www.wsj.com/articles/josh-gelernter-anenticing-next-target-for-putin-1412722083

Rossiya-Kazahstan. Dvuhstoronnie otnosheniya [Russia-Kazakhstan relations]. Retrieved from www.rfembassy.kz/lm/dvustoronnie_otnosheniya/rossiya-kazakhstan/

Nazarbaev: Associaciya Ukraini i ES ne neset ugrozi Kazahstanu [Nazarbayev: The Association of Ukraine and the EU does not threaten Kazakhstan]. Retrieved from http://news.liga.net/news/politics/3068534v_belarusi_nazarbaev_vozrazil_putinu_po_assotsiatsii_ukrainy_i_es.htm

Oficialniy sayt Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan. Vstrecha s Prezidentom Ukraini Petrom Poroshenko [Meeting with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan]. Retrieved from http//www.akorda.kz/ru/events/international_community/foreign_visits/page_218767_vstrecha-s-prezidentom-ukrainy-petrom-poroshenko

Poroshenko poprosiv Nazarbayeva dopomohti vtihomiriti Putina [Poroshenko asked Nazarbayev to help calm Putin down]. Retrieved from http://24tv.ua/poroshenko_poprosiv_nazarbayeva_dopomogti_vtihomiriti_putina_n590860

Oficialniy sayt Prezidenta Ukraini. Sovmestnoe zayavlenie Prezidenta Ukraini Petra Poroshenko I Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan Nursultana Nazarbaeva [Joint statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Official website of the President of Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://www.president.gov.ua/ru/news/spilna-zayava-prezidenta-ukrayini-petra-poroshenka-ta-prezid-36109

Oficialniy sayt Posolstva Ukraini v Respublike Kazahstan. Torgovo-ekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo mezhdu Ukrainoy i Kazahstanom [Trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The official website of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Kazakhstan]. Retrieved from http://kazakhstan.mfa.gov.ua/ua/ukraine-kz/trade

Bez rossiyskogo gaza prosto ne oboytis’ [You can’t get by without russian gas]. Retrieved from http://www.ipg-journal.io/regiony/evropa/statja/show/bez-rossiiskogo-gaza-prosto-ne-oboitis-540/

«Ukraina dolzhna bit’ silnoy» [«Ukraine must be strong»]. Retrieved from https://day.kyiv.ua/ru/article/den-planety/ukrainadolzhna-byt-silnoy

Shraps Y. «Severniy potok – 2» – vopros yevropeyskiy [«Nord Stream – 2 is a European issue»]. Retrieved from http://www.ipg-journal.io/regiony/evropa/statja/show/severnyi-potok-2-vopros-evropeiskii-541

Bez goryzchey voyni, no s seryeznimi posledstviyami: na Ros-TV zagovorili o novih problemah RF iz-za Krima [Without a hot war, but with serious consequences: RosTV started talking about new problems the Russian Federation is facing because of Crimea]. Retrieved from https://inforesist.org/na-rostv-predupredili-iz-za-kryima-rossiyu-zhdut-bolee-sereznyie-problemyi-rf/

Heyli: «A OON stoyala i smotrela na pogloschenie Krima» [«And the UN stood and looked at the absorption of Crimea»]. Retrieved from https://replyua.net/usa/92670-heyli-a-oon-stoyala-ismotrela-na-pogloschenie-kryma.html


